2019 Fiesta Especial Royal Court Candidates
Resources & Program Materials
During the 2018-2019 Fiesta season, the Fiesta Especial® Royal Court will represent Fiesta Especial® in the community demonstrating to others the abilities of all individuals to achieve their dreams...bringing visibility to the leadership and contributions individuals with disabilities make in our community each day.
The Fiesta Especial® Royal Court program is a leadership and life skills development program for individuals with all types of cognitive, physical and sensory disabilities. Campaigns officially begin on Saturday, September 8th, 2018 at 12:01 AM. You're invited to click on the Candidate's Name below to make a donation to his/her campaign as they register for the program.
When asked why Victoria would like to participate in the Fiesta Especial Royal Court her family shared that Victoria has a love for community involvement. She is involved in many school and church activities. She looks up to her younger brother during his activities. She always is his cheerleader as well as number one fan. It would be so amazing for Victoria to be a part of the Royal Court Program. It would be so wonderful for her to have the opportunity to shine and increase her self-esteem. Finally, it would be an honor for her to be a Princess, Duchess, or even Queen for a few days!
![]() 2019 Prince, Raj "Junior" Mulwani
Raised: $8,281 Age: 12 Campaign Kick-off Location: La Hacienda Scenic Loop Benefiting Charity: The Academy at Morgan's Wonderland HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Raj, who goes by the name "Junior", has selected The Academy at Morgan’s Wonderland to benefit from his Fiesta Especial Campaign. The Academy at Morgan’s Wonderland provides an alternative to traditional special education programs and services. Raj enjoys community Service. He currently volunteers as the Project PB&J Ambassador, He is a barista for The Expresso Yourself Program (a Girl Scout Gold award project his sister started) He is also part of the Morgan's Wonderland Voice Band. When asked why he wanted to participate in the program this year, he replied "I like to dress up and help my community." Emma Faye Rudkin, Two-Time Former Miss San Antonio, gives Raj and Emma a shout out. Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/Makuahine/videos/10217677696801043/ Raj is getting support from all types of fans! Check out this video of one of his biggest supporters as he campaigns for 2019 Fiesta Especial King: https://www.facebook.com/alma.mulwani/videos/2079341982086382/. ![]() 2019 Duchess, Emma Barron
Raised: $4,786 Age: 20 Campaign Kick-off Location: Los Barrios on Blanco Benefiting Charity: The Bridge at Morgan's Wonderland HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Emma has selected Fabulous Fridays for The Bridge at Morgan’s Wonderland to benefit from her Fiesta Especial Campaign. The Bridge at Morgan’s Wonderland is designed to prepare young adults for life after The Academy with a focus on vocational and daily living skills coupled with functional academics. Emma loves San Antonio, her family, and her friends. She has a strong faith in Jesus and has a heart for helping others in need. Emma is adventurous; she is always willing to try new things from horseback riding and video gaming to indoor skydiving and snorkeling. She is one of the first students to volunteer to help her teachers and her fellow students. When asked why she wanted to participate in the program this year, she replied "I want to meet new people and have new experiences, while helping my school and raising awareness for other people with special needs." Emma Faye Rudkin, Two-Time Former Miss San Antonio, gives Raj and Emma a shout out. Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/Makuahine/videos/10217677696801043/ ![]() 2019 Marquess, Jordan Allen
Raised: $2,222 Age: 17 Campaign Kick-off Location: La Hacienda Redland Rd Benefiting Charity: The Ferrari Kid HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Jordan has selected the Ferrari Kid to benefit from her Fiesta Especial Royal Court campaign. The Ferrari Kid grants kids coping with different sickness to a “celebrity-like” experience for the day by being picked up in a Ferrari. This experience allows the kids to disregard from their battle and enjoy themselves. Jordan is very outgoing and she loves to be around people especially meeting and greeting them with a smile and a hug. She is a returning court member and enjoyed her experience last year so she decided to do it again. Jordan volunteers every month with her grandmother at the food pantry at Progressive Baptist Church and then sings her heart out with the Youth & Young Adult Choir at Newmount Pleasant Baptist Church each Sunday morning. She participates in Special Olympics playing Bowling, Basketball and Track and Field, and enjoys being a member of the The Ferrari Kids organization. ![]() 2019 Duchess, Grace Garza
Raised: $2,242 Age: 17 Campaign Kick-off Location: La Hacienda Redland Rd Benefiting Charity: Fiesta Especial Celebration Day HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Grace has elected to have 100% of her campaign go to help underwrite the costs of special education classes in and around San Antonio to attend Fiesta Especial Celebration Day, a one day community instruction program during Fiesta. Grace is outgoing, happy and always sees the good in people. She is active in her church’s youth programs and has volunteered in Fiesta Especial Run since 2011. She is a returning court member, and when asked why she wanted to be part of the Fiesta Especial Royal Court she shared that She had a lot of fun working with the other candidates and getting to meet new people. She wants people to know about disabilities, both visible and invisible and realize how much we all can learn from each other. ![]() 2019 Page, Hannah Watson
Raised: $374 Age: 22 Campaign Kick-off Location: La Hacienda Scenic Loop Benefiting Charity: Southwind Fields HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Hannah has chosen Southwind Fields as her benefiting organization. Their goal is to build a sense of community and provide empowerment for adults with special needs through connection, meaningful experiences, spiritual growth, and fulfilling mission work. Hannah participates on the Lone Star Baseball team and is now in her 3rd year. She is a child care attendant at The Montessori Daycare. Hannah lives independently and is a 2017 graduate of the Providence Place program. When asked why she wanted to participate in the Fiesta Especial Royal court, Hannah said “Because it's cool! And, I want to help Southwind Fields”. ![]() 2019 Marquess, Stephany Gonzalez
Age: 19 Campaign Kick-off Location: Los Barrios on Blanco Benefiting Charity: San Antonio Northwest Young Life-Capernaum HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Stephany has chosen San Antonio Northwest Young Life-Capernaum as her benefiting organization. Young Life Capernaum gives young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities the chance to experience fun and adventure, to develop fulfilling friendships and to challenge their limits while building self-esteem through club, camp and other exciting activities. It is a Christ-centered ministry for teens who are searching for hope and significance through the experience and love of Jesus Christ. Stephany enjoys meeting new people and loves to be involved in new activities out in the community. When we asked Stephany why she wants to participate in the Fiesta Especial Royal Court Program she said she would love to participate to continue to grow as an individual, learn leadership skills, and be able to continue to help others with special needs. ![]() 2019 King, Cory Wyckoff
Raised: $10,650 Age: 21 Campaign Kick-off Location: La Hacienda Scenic Loop Benefiting Charity: Southwind Fields HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Cory has chosen Southwind Fields as his benefiting organization. At Southwind Fields Their goal is to build a sense of community and provide empowerment for adults with special needs through connection, meaningful experiences, spiritual growth, and fulfilling mission work. Cory is passionate about fitness. His favorite sports to participate in are basketball and cross-fit. Cory is outgoing, friendly and enjoys meeting new people. He has participated in a 4 month culinary program under a renowned chef at Poet's Walk, and works at The Lookout Coffee & Community coffee shop. When asked why he wanted to participate in the Fiesta Especial Royal Court, Cory said that he wanted to participate to represent Southwind Fields. ![]() 2019 Countess, Tiffany Leavelle
Raised: $1,705 Age: 36 Campaign Kick-off Location: Los Barrios on Blanco Benefiting Charity: Autism Treatment Center San Antonio HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Tiffany has chosen to support the Autism Treatment Center of San Antonio. The mission of the Autism Treatment Center is to assist people with autism and related disorders throughout their lives as they learn, play, work and live in the community. Each person follows an individualized, comprehensive learning program designed by a team to help each person be successful. Tiffany has a form of high functioning Autism called Asperger's syndrome, but wasn't diagnosed correctly until she was 21. She use to really struggle socially which started affecting her academic wise. In fact, doctors told her parents she would never graduate high school. But thanks to a few positive influences she not only graduated high school but went on to eventually get a Bachelors in Fine Arts with minors in Special Education and Art History, graduating with Honors. She is currently looking for a full time job, and still dreams of becoming fully independent again defying the odds. She wants to show others that anything is possible if you just believe. When asked why she wanted to participate in the Fiesta Especial Royal court Tiffany said she knows she still has much to learn and hopes this program will help her gain more confidence and self-motivation. She also wants to become more active in San Antonio. She loves how diverse the city is and wants to make her mark.
When asked why she would like to participate in the Fiesta Especial Royal Court her mom said Seaylee loves celebrations and parties and always wants to be a part of the fun. She is often found wearing a crown and is referred to by her dearest friends as “Princess Seaylee”. Seaylee has never let anything stand in her way when it comes to participating
![]() 2019 Countess, Cambria Johnston
Raised: $1,476 Age: 10 Campaign Kick-off Location: Viola's Ventanas Benefiting Charity: Kinetic Kid's HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Cambria has selected Kinetic Kids as her benefiting organization. Kinetic Kids are children from all walks of life who experience the daily struggles of life-long challenges. These children have the desire to perform age-appropriate recreational and sports activities like their typically developing peers. Cambria has had a great LOVE for everything Fiesta for several years. She believes everyday can be "Fiesta"! At school she is known for her fondness of Fiesta and wears what she considers her "Fiesta dresses" all year long, she is also known for her beautiful singing voice and her friendly personality! Everyone is "Special" and deserves a friend, Shee seeks to include those who may feel left out. When asked why she wanted to participate in the royal court she said she loves the spirit, colors, music and unity Fiesta brings! She truly brings so much joy to those she meets and loves to make everyone feel special! One of her biggest dreams is to be a real "Fiesta Princess". Follow Cambria's Fiesta Journey here: facebook.com/FiestaQueenCambria2019
Like the bright colors of San Antonio's annual event of Fiesta that celebrates the city's vibrant culture and spirit, Catherine's warm and engaging personality will help shine a light on the special needs community. She loves dancing, gymnastics, golf, fist bumps and hanging out with her twin sister and big brother. She excelled at her job as a barista and PR person of the Expresso Yourself coffee cart as a 7th grader. Catherine's zest for life is contagious!
When asked why Catherine wanted to participate in this year’s Royal Court she expressed that her love of crowns and chicken on a stick, parallels, her passion for meeting new people, and serving as an example to show that anything is possible! ![]() 2019 Count, Nathaniel Garza
Raised: $1,027 Age: 13 Campaign Kick-off Location: Viola's Ventanas Benefiting Charity: Autism Treatment Center of San Antonio HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Nathaniel had chosen the Autism Treatment Center as his benefiting organization. The Autism Treatment Center has a long standing history of providing services to children and adults with Autism in the community. Each person follows an individualized, comprehensive learning program designed by a team to help each person be successful. Nathaniel is an inspiration to many artists and everyday people. He has accomplished so much for his age. He continues to grow his talents and is establishing himself among the local San Antonio Art Community. At just 13 years old, he has already made contributions benefiting the Autism Treatment Center in the form of Donations, time, auctions, benefits and TV Appearances to bring awareness to San Antonio's Autism Community. Local Artists and Art enthusiasts know him by name and by his specific work in canvas painting. He continues to raise awareness by sharing his talents with the community which brings him praise thus creating inspiration to people who cross his path. When asked why he wanted to participate in the Fiesta Especial Royal Court, Nathaniel said he wants To bring awareness to autism and to let people know that anything is possible. ![]() 2019 Duke, Carter Shute
Raised: $7,006 Age: 18 Campaign Kick-off Location: Viola's Ventanas Benefiting Charity: Reaching Families Facing Autism-Any Baby Can Inc HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Carter has chosen Reaching Families Facing Autism - Any Baby Can as his benefiting organization. The mission of Any Baby Can is to serve families with children and youth facing serious health or development challenges. Carter has worked hard to "triumph over autism". He enthusiastically joins in activities. He participated like every other student in band during football and concert season. He joined Indoor Drumline - which required 12-16 hours rehearsal each week plus weekend competitions. He traveled with his church group all over the country and overseas to serve on mission trips. When asked why he wanted to be a part of the Fiesta Especial Royal Court Carter said “I want to be kind to others. I want to stop bullies.” Carter has a big heart and cares about others. He will be a great role model for younger children. ![]() 2019 Marquis, Jakob Curnutt
Raised: $2,483 Age: 15 Campaign Kick-off Location: Los Barrios Blanco Rd Benefiting Charity: Down Syndrome Association of South Texas HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Jakob has chosen the Down Syndrome Association of South Texas as his benefiting organization. The DSASTX provides opportunities for families to foster friendships and offer mutual support through Parent Information Meetings, community-based social activities, special events, and educational programs. Their ultimate goal is to promote awareness and inclusion in the community. Jakob wants people to know that having Down syndrome or any disability does not define who you are. It never has stopped him from any of his dreams, goals or trying new things. We can do anything we set our mind to as long as we work hard or even harder than most to achieve our goals. He loves new adventures. He’s very athletic. Jakob is active in multiple different sports. Jakob is fun and energetic. He is always on the go. He is a jokesters always wanting to make someone laughs. When asked why he wanted to be a part of the Fiesta Especial Royal Court Jakob said he likes meeting people and making new friends and try new things. He says he loves the camera too!! ![]() 2019 Baroness, Queenie Moore
Raised: $489 Age:10 Campaign Kick-off Location: Viola's Ventana's Benefiting Charity: Kinetic Kids HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Queenie has chosen Kinetic Kids as her benefiting organization. The goal of Kinetic Kids is to help kids with special needs make dreams come true. By providing sports and recreation programs not typically available to children with special needs, Kinetic Kids intends to foster the development of courage, self-esteem, pride and joy so these children can achieve new possibilities previously unimaginable. When she was asked why she would like to be a part of the Fiesta Especial Royal court she said “For FUN!” Queenie is a social butterfly. She does not know a stranger and makes friends wherever she goes. She is kind and loving. She lives to help whenever she can. |
List your candidate's name in "Note To Merchant" section of checkout.
CAMPAIGNS BEGIN 9/8/2018. Purchase your tickets to the
September 30th, 2018 Campaign Kick-off below. Get your sneak peek at the 2019 Royal Court at the Reveal Party on December 9th, 2018. Purchase your tickets below.
Join us in Celebration as we crown the 2019 Fiesta Especial Royal Court and present checks to their benefiting organizations at the Coronation on Wednesday, Feb. 6th
2018-2019 Events:
August 17th: Deadline for Enrollment in the 2018-2019 Fiesta Especial Royal Court Leadership & Life Skills Development Program September 8th: Royal Court Campaign Workshop September 30th: Royal Court Campaign Kick-off at 4 Los Barrios Locations October 6th: Royal Court Cape Workshop November 4th: Royal Court Medal Workshop December 7th: Deadline for turning in campaign funds. December 9th: Fiesta Especial Royal Court Reveal - more information coming soon! February 2nd: Royal Court Appearance Workshop February 6th: Fiesta Especial® Royal Court Coronation ...more information coming soon. April 20th: Fiesta Especial® 5K & Parade will take place starting at the City Hall in Windcrest at 8am & 10am respectively. The parade is free to spectators. April 23rd: Fiesta Especial® Celebration Day will take place in Alamo Dome Lot C from 10am - 3pm. Advanced Registrations Required. Free to individuals with disabilities and their companions. |