2021 Fiesta Especial Royal Court Candidates
During the 2020-2021 Fiesta® season, the Fiesta Especial® Royal Court will represent Fiesta Especial® in the community demonstrating to others the abilities of all individuals to achieve their dreams...bringing visibility to the leadership and contributions individuals with disabilities make in our community each day.
The Fiesta Especial® Royal Court program is a leadership and life skills development program for individuals with all types of cognitive, physical and sensory disabilities. Campaigns officially begin on Saturday, August 29th, 2020 at 12:01 AM. You're invited to click on the Candidate's Name below to make a donation to his/her campaign as they register for the program. Jaiden Rodriguez (Facebook | GoFundMe)
Age: 10 Benefiting Charity: Kinetic Kids HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Jaiden has selected Kinetic Kids to benefit from her Fiesta Especial Royal Court campaign. Kinetic Kids as her benefiting organization. Kinetic Kids are children from all walks of life who experience the daily struggles of life-long challenges. These children have the desire to perform age-appropriate recreational and sports activities like their typically developing peers. Jaiden is always looking for new challenges to overcome and ways to get involved. Jaiden has participated in a variety of activities with Kinetic Kids, Special Olympics and fashionABLE fashion show with Spina Bifida Texas. Jaiden is excited to participate with the Fiesta Especial Royal Court Program to share her smiles with everyone she meets! Breanna “Bre” Harrison (Facebook | GoFundMe)
Age: 21 Benefiting Charity: Ainsley’s Angels HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Breanna has selected Ainsley's Angels to benefit from her Fiesta Especial Royal Court campaign. Ainsley’s Angels aims to build awareness about America's special needs community through inclusion in all aspects of life. Breanna’s smile lights up a room while she gives back to her community. Breanna is active with her church and helping distribute food boxes to seniors. She has also volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and Ronald McDonald House. Breanna serves as an inspiration and role model to those around her and is eager to be on the Fiesta Especial Royal Court program. Stephanie Crane (Facebook | GoFundMe)
Age: 35 Benefiting Charity: Care Warriors Inc HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Stephanie has selected to have her campaign go to help underwrite the costs of special education classes in and around San Antonio to attend Fiesta Especial Celebration Day, a one-day community instruction program during Fiesta. When asked why she wanted to serve on the 2021 court, she wanted to learn how to improve her public speaking. This will help Stephanie continue to advocate for those with disabilities. She is an active volunteer with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Michael Carr (Facebook | GoFundMe)
Age: 10 Benefiting Charity: Morgan's Wonderland HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Michael has chosen Morgan’s Wonderland for his benefiting organization. Morgan's Wonderland is a place that provides opportunities for guests with and without disabilities to learn and play with one another. They have welcomed guests from all 50 states and 74 countries. It is a place where everyone can be included. Michael enjoys almost weekly visits to Morgan’s Wonderland! Michael stays busy being involved with Boy Scouts. He likes to be social and is looking forward making lots of new friends while serving on the 2021 court. He hopes to have a lot of fun and learn how to be an advocate for those around him. Julian Ramirez (Facebook | GoFundMe)
Age: 18 Benefiting Charity: Eva's Heroes HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Julian has selected Eva’s Heroes for his benefitting organization. Eva’s Heroes is dedicated to enriching the lives of those with intellectual special needs by providing an inclusive setting built on four tenets interact, grow, learn, and love. Julian is always ready to put a smile on other’s faces and excels in doing this by sharing his joy of dancing. He is a kind-hearted, gentle and happy person. He’s always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone he sees in need. He’s eager to share his joyful energy and smile with everyone he meets. Carter Shute (Facebook | GoFundMe)
Age: 20 Benefiting Charity: University United Methodist Church HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Carter has worked hard to “triumph over autism” and is enthusiastic in all the activities he joins. He’s an active volunteer with his church and loves to help others. He’s the first to help open the door or give encouragement to anyone in need. Believer's Garden with University United Methodist Church welcomes everyone. Identifying resources and opportunities that intentionally integrate people and families into the ministry of the church. This is done through education, equipping, engaging and expressions of service to God and our community. Carter is eager to be on the 2021 Fiesta Especial Royal Court and share his big heart with everyone around him. He is a great role model for younger children that anything is possible with some determination. Monica Williams (Facebook | GoFundMe)
Age: 37 Benefiting Charity: University United Methodist Church HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Monica has selected the Believer's Garden with the Special Needs Ministry at University United Methodist Church. The Special Needs Ministry's mission is to provide a culture of belonging, dignity and purpose to everyone who has cognitive and developmental challenges. Our ministry strategically delivers teaching methods that are designed for children, youth and adults with special needs. Monica is both an active member at University United Methodist Church and volunteer there and strives to be a good role model for both youth and adults. Monica wants to support and encourage other Fiesta Especial candidates. Kathryn Ransleben (Facebook | GoFundMe)
Age: 25 Benefiting Charity: Chromosome 18 Registry and Research Society HOW CANDIDATE'S CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS OUR COMMUNITY: Kathryn has selected Chromosome 18 Registry and Research Society as her benefitting organization. Chromosome 18's mission is to help individuals with chromosome 18 abnormalities overcome the obstacles they face, so they may lead healthy and productive lives. Kathryn’s enthusiasm and hospitality is contagious. Kathryn is an active member at MacArthur Park Church of Christ and she is involved with her Bible Class. She’s also participates in Special Olympics Bowling and enjoys getting to participate in the Night to Shine. Kathryn is excited to meet lots of new friends and share her excitement with everyone around her! |
List your candidate's name in "Note To Merchant"
section of checkout. CAMPAIGNS BEGIN 8/29/2020. Purchase your tickets to the
September 25th, 2020 Campaign Kick-off below. Get your sneak peek at the 2021 Royal Court at the Reveal Party on December 6th, 2020. Purchase your tickets below.